Bigstone Cree Nation Education Authority
We know that information on news sites and on social media can be confusing. We want to assure you that we use trusted sources to inform our actions. If you would like more information about how data is protected we are linking below any resources we believe can help you be informed.
CLICK HERE for PowerSchool's information on what they do to protect our data.
NEW ADDED JAN 13 : Statement from PowerSchool
PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident - JAN 2025
Bigstone Education Authority has been informed of a North America-wide cybersecurity incident involving PowerSchool, the system used for student information. We are working with PowerSchool to determine the scope of the incident and any potential impact on our families and staff.
An email was shared with the Education Authority and our staff on January 10, 2025. A letter is being prepared and sent via mail to our families to be delivered next week.
We want to assure you that no financial information, student profile pictures or computer passwords were accessed or stored in PowerSchool. PowerSchool confirmed that whatever data the unauthorized user accessed has been deleted and that no copies of that information were shared online.
PowerSchool has assured us that the incident is contained, and they’ve strengthened their security measures to prevent future breaches. PowerSchool’s operations remain unaffected, and service continues as usual.
We understand that news like this can be unsettling, and we want to assure you that we are doing everything possible to address the situation responsibly. PowerSchool will be preparing a full briefing for our team to be delivered in the coming weeks. Be assured that if any more information is provided to us we will communicate that to you.
Chester Auger, CEO
Bigstone Cree Nation Education Authority

24. 25 BCNEA Operational Calendar
ELC / OPK / OKK Master Events Calendar
REGISTER for 2024.25 School year
You have some options for registering your child in our schools. ANYONE who is new to our system OR who is returning after attending elsewhere (that is did not complete the 23.24 school year with us) needs to complete a registration form!
Complete the Registration form either ONLINE or in person and supply the appropriate documentation.
Registration is reviewed by the school Admin.
You will be contacted prior to SEPTEMBER to be updated on your child's registration status and class assignment.
Authority office (#8, 911 Mistassiniy Rd)
Early Learning Center
OPK Main Reception
BCN Off Reserve School Fees Information
School Year: 2024-25
General Fees ~ Textbook Rental Fees ~ Transportation Fees ~ School Supplies Reimbursements
(Max. reimbursement of $500.00) ~ Lunch Fees ~ Locker Fees ~ Technology Fees ~ Field Trip Fees ~ All Fees required from the school ~ Sports Academy Fees
BCNEA Request Form ~ Fee Sheet/Statement ~ Receipts (Reimbursement purposes only)
Copy of Status Card
Applications Closed for 2024-2025
Welcome to Bigstone Cree Nation Education Authority website.
The Bigstone Cree Nation Education Authority serves the members of the Bigstone Cree Nation in Wabasca, Calling Lake, and Chipewyan Lake with a variety of Education services. Our primary responsibility is the administration of the following programs:
•BCNEA Central Office
•Oski Pasikoniwew Kamik School: Gr. 1-9
•Oski Paskioniwew Kamik School: Early Learning Centre & Headstart
•Kapaskwatinak Cultural Education Center
•Post-Secondary Program
•Off Reserve School Fees
•NSD Tuition
•In School Program
•Jr. High Program
•Cree Language and Culture
•Hockey Academy
•Summer Student Program
With the addition of a High School Program, we are able to serve our nation with a complete range of educational services!
Bigstone Cree Nation Education Authority
Phone (780) 891-3825
Fax (780) 891-2178
Toll-Free 1-877-458-2447
Mailing Address
Bigstone Cree Nation Education Authority
Box 870 Wabasca, AB T0G 2K0
General Email Inquiries
Oski Pasikoniwew Kamik School
(Bigstone Cree Nation Community School)
Phone (780) 891-3830
Fax (780) 891-3831
Mailing Address
Oski Pasikoniwew Kamik
Box 930 Wabasca, AB T0G 2K0
General Email Inquiries
Osaw Kihew Kiskinwahamatowikamik
(Golden Eagle High School)
112 Duran Trail, Wabasca Alberta
Phone (780) 891-2727
Mailing Address
Golden Eagle High School
Box 120 Wabasca, AB T0G 2K0
General Email Inquiries